SAVE THE DATE: The 6th ICAC conference (International Conference on Aging and Cancer): Targeting common drivers of cancer and aging
Aging represents the major risk factor for cancer, 90% of cancers occur in people over the age of 50, and the age of the patient influences every aspect of cancer pathogenesis, from premalignant growths to metastasis, to responses to therapy. This year's International Conference on Aging and Cancer will focus on identifying the shared biological mechanisms underlying both aging and cancer, with the goal of developing innovative strategies for cancer prevention and treatment specifically tailored to aging populations. This conference will invite internationally renowned experts with important influence in the field of aging and cancer research to speak in the form of "online & in person". The confirmed experts thus far include Prof. James Kirkland (Cedars-Sinai, US), Junying Yuan (CAS, CH), Weiguo Zou (HNMU, CH), Hongkui Deng (PKU, CH), Zhixiong Xiao (SCU, CH), Wenshu Wu (HNMU, CH), Jingxuan Pan (SYSU, CH), Jianwei Wang (CAMS, CH), Pengxu Qian (ZJU, CH), Yuanyuan Lu (AFMU, CH), Kornelia Polyak (Harvard-Dana Farber, US),Raul Mostoslavsky (Harvard-MGH, US), Daohong Zhou (UT San Antonio HSC, US), Sandra McAllister (Harvard, US), Darren Baker (Mayo, US), Valery Krizhanovsky (Weizmann, IL)Valter Longo (USC LDSOG).